Our TREATMENT services

From texting thumb to sciatica; shoulder impingement to asthma; lower back pain to piriformis syndrome; tight hips to long-term scars – we have your chronic and acute injuries covered – integrating a range of rehab and preventative modalities to keep you moving better.



physiotherapy, rehabilitation, & PHYSIO LED kinesiology

Active Rehabilitation helps people recovering from or dealing with physical challenges, whether from an injury, chronic pain or a physical disability. The goal of this treatment is to enable patients to improve their quality of life, take preventative measures to limit re-injury, and where possible, return to pre-injury activities.

Kinesiology knowledge and physiotherapy techniques are used to restore, maintain, and maximize movement by focusing on strength and function to improve overall wellbeing. This is done through a whole-body approach, utilizing a variety of methods in order to create a custom treatment based on the client’s needs.

There are a range of techniques our professionals use, including:

  • IMS (intramuscular stimulation)

  • Dry Needling

  • Cupping

  • Blading

  • Taping

  • Breathing exercises

  • Muscle reprogramming

  • Massage therapy

  • Fascial stretch therapy

Physio Led Kinesiology
How does it work? Under the supervision of our Physiotherapist Brigitta, you can work with one of our Kinesiologists on your personalized training plan. It may be covered under your extended health benefits. Speak to our client care team to see if it could work for you, click book now below.


Fascial Stretch Therapy helps you regain your mobility and relieves chronic pain issues through assisted, hands-on stretching techniques which help to restore the body to its natural movement. Fascia is the connective tissue that surrounds our muscles, joints and organs. When moving freely, it is the organ of structure and posture. When it is not, it bonds together to create knots, pain, tension and thickness, and impedes our body’s ability to exercise in its full range of motion.

Benefits of Fascial Stretch Therapy:

  • improved posture

  • reduced pain and inflammation

  • rehabilitation of injuries

  • restores normal joint spacing

  • shortens recovery time

  • releases tension

  • increases flexibility

  • increases energy