Personal Trainer, Functional Training Specialist, Precision Nutrition Certified (Lv1)

Experience and Certifications
Raven is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer, ACE Functional Training Specialist, and Precision Nutrition Lv1 certified. She is a certified personal trainer who specializes in functional training.

Areas of Interest
Raven helps clients with their form and posture to prevent or alleviate pain and to help with their day-to-day movements. She also focuses on building lean muscle, strength, nutrition, weight-loss, behavioural changes through healthy habit building, and mobility and stability work.

Raven is very passionate about learning and helping others, which makes training clients her passion. She is a strong believer in the importance of building routine, creating and tracking goals, and setting healthy boundaries so we can be as successful and intentional as possible with our time. Being patient and kind with ourselves, taking a moment to slow down and connect with ourselves and our body is something she coaches all her clients on. These are the skills that make clients successful long term because being healthy applies to more than just our physical health. To her, health and fitness is about a balanced lifestyle!