Personal Trainer, CrossFit Level 2 Trainer, Adaptive Athletic Trainer

Experience and Certifications
Mina has 10 years in the fitness industry in Canada & Philippines with over 12,000 hours of coaching functional fitness, strength and conditioning. She is here to support the journey of anyone looking to build general strength and conditioning, functional fitness, gymnastics, Olympic weightlifting and a big focus on range of motion, mobility and safe movement patterns.

She holds the following certifications: Crossfit/CFL2, CF Olympic weightlifting Level 1, CF Sports Specific Application, CF Aerobic Capacity, CF Masters Training (anticipated), Precision Nutrition Level 1 (anticipated), Crossroad Adaptive Athletic Training, TRS (formerly mobilitywod) Adaptive Training.

Areas of Interest
Mina is a former Early Intervention Childhood Education teacher with a Masters in Special Education. With 15 years experience in teaching children and preschool aged children with developmental delays and disabilities, it propelled her advocacy for adaptive training and those with long term disability and/or injury looking to bridge the gap from post-rehabilitation from pain back into the space of sport and sustainable general fitness.

Mina has coached National level Paralympic athletes (deaf, blind, seated/wheelchair and other special needs individuals). She has also worked with masters athletes, aged 55+ years and currently is finishing a course on coaching Crossfit to that age group specifically. She is a strength and conditioning coach for youth and teams looking to cross train for their sport.

About the Trainer
Mina believes in creating a safe space to explore what you are capable of accomplishing and to also break through the limiting beliefs that have prevented you from moving forward towards goals. She practices curiousity and intentional listening to help support and understand what you need then uses her knowledge, experience and innovation to come up with a sustainable plan for you to find success.

According to Mina, she’s a cheeky, single mother of a wonderful daughter. She is a former competitive athlete, loves movement, sports, activities and cannot live without coffee. Mina believes in the power of living in a mindset of abundance and taking control to create your life.